With over 13,000 items, including running shoes, running clothing, and outdoor gear, you’ll be hard-pressed to find a better variety. They are thrilled to offer you the most cutting-edge products and technologies from leading sports and fitness brands such as Adidas, Asics, Inov8, and many more. They continually work to improve things at Sportsshoes.com by driving them to keep you updated.
Does SportsShoes Price Match its Competitors?
Yes. They offer a price match policy.
Does SportsShoes Price Match Online?
Yes. They offer a price match online by calling their number.
Is There Price Adjustment Policy at the SportsShoes?
Yes. They offer a price adjustment policy. That is not available on their site, but they had to contact them to find out about that.
Price Match Criteria:
Here are the price match criteria:
- Only their website or catalog may be used to purchase at a lower price.
- It’s not unusual for suppliers to demand proof of offers before accepting an offer, and goods must be available in that size at the other shop for the price to be valid.
- The price must be the same or lower than advertised/quoted at the inspection time.
- Please be aware that they can only match prices from UK websites and stores.
- Please be advised that all Price Beat promotions are only valid for purchases made with a credit card and apply to items in stock.
- Only valid for 48 hours after they have accepted the price and only if the competitor has fulfilled the terms of their match offer.
- Offers can be made only on qualifying purchases of £10 or more, and prices must be less than competitors.
- Only items with an identical model, color, size, and width fit qualify for a price match.
- This offer is only available to residents of the United Kingdom and addresses there.
Price Match Process:
Here is the price match process:
- To request a price match, call their number: 01274 530530.
- Or you can also submit the details by contacting them, and they will call you back.
- Once they verify the details, they will price match for you.
- Not only will they match the price, but they will also beat it by £1.00 and give you free UK standard delivery with the offer.
- This offer does not apply to prices you have been quoted for graded goods, seconds, package deals, clearance, discontinued or specially discounted goods, including goods discounted by the membership of a discount scheme.’
- After the sale is completed, there is no longer a price guarantee.
- Please note that major sports manufacturers do not allow the sale of their sports products on eBay or other comparable auction sites. As a result, they may be unable to match the price because the item is questionable in terms of authenticity.
- Price match cannot be used in conjunction with any other discounts.
- Price match does not apply to gym equipment.
- The offer does not apply to large purchases.
Price Adjustment Process:
Here is the price adjustment process:
- The price adjustment policy isn’t explained on their page.
- So they had to ask customer service.
- In this policy, if you purchase something from them before it arrives, the price is reduced, so you can request a price adjustment refund.
- And they refund you the difference.
Here is the reply from the customer service:
They can apply the difference if the order has not been delivered.”
SportsShoes Competitors’ List:
There is no specific price match competitors list. But you should request the price match for the identical items.
They understand that you may need to return items to them at times, which is why they’ve made the return process straightforward, quick, and painless.
If you don’t like their goods, they want you to love them as much as they do. If it doesn’t suit you, you’ve changed your mind, if it’s broken, or you don’t enjoy it. They think that returns should be simple.
They’ll return or refund everything if requested. which:
- They are returned to them within 100 days of receipt.
- Are returned to them in excellent condition, with their original packaging and labels remaining?
- They cannot accept returns of clothing worn for health or hygienic reasons.
You continue to have the same legal protections.
How to Return
SportsShoes has teamed up with Evri to provide discounted Parcel Shop drop-off returns for packages weighing less than 15kg and measuring less than 120 × 60 × 60cm, making SportsShoes.com purchasing simpler than ever.
- Pack your order securely, and if possible, use the original packaging or remove the delivery label.
- Include the original delivery note with the reason for the return completed.
- You’ll need access to a printer to obtain a label for your parcel.
- Please be advised that you may drop off your package with Evri Parcel Shop in the UK, regardless of the original courier.
- Please be aware that the £3.50 return label only covers your goods up to £50 if they are lost or damaged while in transit.
- If your parcel is worth more than £50.00, they advise you to insure it for a higher value with Evri or return it to an alternative courier who can provide the appropriate insurance.
Some Questions and Answers:
So you learned about the SportsShoes price match and price adjustment policy. But you may still have some questions. Here are some questions and answers:
When was SportsShoes Founded?
It was founded in 1982.
What makes SportsShoes so popular?
SportsShoes is popular among shoppers because of its low prices, large selection, and convenient return policy.
Summary of the Article:
This article taught you about SportsShoes and its policies on price matching and returning items. You also learned about some of the reasons why SportsShoes is so popular among shoppers.